Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Why IQ Tests Dont Test Intelligence (721 words) Essay Example For Students
Why IQ Tests Dont Test Intelligence (721 words) Essay Why IQ tests dont test intelligencePsychologyThe assignment of attempting to evaluate a people knowledge has been an objective of therapists since before the start of this century. The Binet-Simon scales were first proposed in 1905 in Paris, France and different sorts of tests have been developing from that point onward. One of the significant inquiries that consistently comes up with respect to these devices is what are the tests truly estimating? Is it true that they are estimating a people knowledge? Their capacity to perform well on state sanctioned tests? Or on the other hand only some discretionary amount of the people IQ? While looking at the circumstances around which these tests are given and the substance of the tests themselves, it becomes evident that anyway helpful the tests might be for normalizing a gatherings scholarly capacity, they are not a decent pointer of insight. To give a really government sanctioned test, the testing condition ought to be the equivalent for everybody included. In the event that anything has been gained from the brain research of recognition, obviously a people situation has a lot to do with their psychological capacities. Is the light glinting? Is the paint on the dividers a disrupting conceal? Is the temperature excessively hot or excessively cold? Is the seat awkward? Or on the other hand in the most pessimistic scenario, do they have a sickness that day? To test a people mind, it is important to use their body all the while. In the event that everyones body is put in various conditions during the testing, how is it expected to get normalized results over all the subjects? In light of this suspicion that everybody will perform similarly free of their condition, knowledge test scores are slanted and can't be seen as normalized, and unquestionably not for instance of a people insight. Clearly a people knowledge originates from an assortment of characteristics. A couple of these that are regularly tried are understanding cognizance, jargon, and spatial relations. In any case, this isn't all that goes into it. Shouldn't something be said about physical insight, conversational knowledge, social insight, endurance insight, and the huge number of others that go into regular day to day existence? For what reason are these significant attributes not considered along with insight tests? Without a doubt, ordinary state administered tests surely get unsurprising outcomes where scholastics are concerned, yet they ought not be viewed as acceptable pointers of general knowledge on account of the glaring exclusions they make in the testing procedure. To truly measure a people knowledge, it is important to get them through a thorough arrangement of genuine preliminaries and report their presentation. In any case the normalized IQ trial of today are trying a very restricted natur e of a people character that can barely be alluded to as knowledge. For curtness, I will rapidly specify a couple of other regular reactions of present day IQ tests. They have no real way to make up for social contrasts. Individuals utilize various strategies to take care of issues. People groups perusing methodologies vary. Speed isn't generally the most ideal approach to handle an issue. There is frequently an excess of accentuation put on jargon. Every one of these focuses warrants singular treatment, and for more data allude to The Triarchic Mind by RJ Sternberg (Penguin Books, 1988, p18-36). It is conceivable to arrange all the reasons that IQ tests come up short at their errand into two principle gatherings. The main gathering is the place the tests expect excessively. Instances of this blemish are the supposition that speed is in every case great, jargon is a decent pointer of knowledge, and that diverse test taking conditions wont influence the result. The subsequent gathering comes on the grounds that the tests check an inappropriate things. Instances of this are distinctive culture bunches being approached to accept indistinguishable tests from every other person, and the way that the tests disregard such huge numbers of kinds of insight (like physical, social, and so forth). These two groupings delineate where the significant failings of well known IQ tests happen and can be utilized as apparatuses for making a decision about others. .ucf1b2583387f578ae05e42228010969c , .ucf1b2583387f578ae05e42228010969c .postImageUrl , .ucf1b2583387f578ae05e42228010969c .focused content zone { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .ucf1b2583387f578ae05e42228010969c , .ucf1b2583387f578ae05e42228010969c:hover , .ucf1b2583387f578ae05e42228010969c:visited , .ucf1b2583387f578ae05e42228010969c:active { border:0!important; } .ucf1b2583387f578ae05e42228010969c .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .ucf1b2583387f578ae05e42228010969c { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; murkiness: 1; change: darkness 250ms; webkit-progress: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .ucf1b2583387f578ae05e42228010969c:active , .ucf1b2583387f578ae05e42228010969c:hover { haziness: 1; progress: mistiness 250ms; webkit-progress: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .ucf1b2583387f578ae05e42228010969c .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relative; } .ucf1b2583387f578ae05e42228010969c .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content enhancement: underline; } .ucf1b2583387f578ae05e42228010969c .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .ucf1b2583387f578ae05e42228010969c .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; outskirt span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-tallness: 26px; moz-outskirt sweep: 3px; content adjust: focus; content beautification: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .ucf1b2583387f578ae05e42228010969c:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .ucf1b2583387f5 78ae05e42228010969c .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .ucf1b2583387f578ae05e42228010969c-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .ucf1b2583387f578ae05e42228010969c:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Junk Food Is A Favorite EssayIQ tests are bad markers for a people in general knowledge, yet as their utilization has appeared, they are amazingly useful in making expectations about how an individual will act in a scholarly setting. Maybe the issue comes in the name insight tests when it is evident this isn't what they truly are. The cutting edge IQ test unquestionably has its applications in todays society yet ought to be utilized to measure a people generally speaking insight using any and all means.
Monday, July 13, 2020
Can Bad Credit Keep You From Getting That Apartment
Can Bad Credit Keep You From Getting That Apartment Can Bad Credit Keep You From Getting That Apartment? Can Bad Credit Keep You From Getting That Apartment?Depending on your credit history, that sweet new bachelor or bachelorette pad might be out of your reach.Say you get a credit card offer in the mail and you apply for itâ"but you get denied. You try to refinance your car loanâ"and the application comes back with a red stamp on it. You even try to rent a new apartment and, heyâ"did your security deposit just go up because of your bad credit?!Yeah, it did. Or rather, it can. Bad credit affects a personâs life in dozens of different ways. Some large, some small, some obvious, others a bit unexpected.One of the ways it can affect you is when youâre applying for an apartment or home rental. Even if a landlord isnât directly looking at your credit score, the information they find on your credit report could greatly sway their decision.A landlord might not check your credit score but theyâll still check your credit.According Real estate investor and founder of, Eric Bowlin (@EricJBowlin),âIt is pretty rare that a manager or landlord is actually looking at someoneâs credit score. Instead, they may be looking for overall debt to income or currently delinquent accounts.âSo how would they do that? By pulling a copy of your credit report from one of the three major credit bureaus: Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax. Thatâs the document that companies like FICO use when they create your credit score.It will contain pretty much everything that your landlord would want to know about you financially. And everything that you would want to keep a secret.âYour credit report tells a lot about you, says Shane Lee of Renthop (@RentHop), âlike whether you plan things ahead, pay your bills on time, and if you are likely to be a good tenant or not.ââJust because you have a bad credit, doesnât mean that you wonât be able to rent an apartment, says Lee. And thatâs true. But what it can affect is what kinds of apartments you can get and how mu ch youâll have to pay for them.âA landlord cares about two things,â says Nathan Miller, founder of Rentec Direct (@rentec), âthat rent is paid in full and on time, and that the property remains in good condition.ââWhen a landlord reviews your credit and finds problems, they are going to assume that your inability to pay your current and past debts will also affect your ability to pay rent.According to Miller, âMedical collections can often be an exception as many landlords will overlook or discount medical bills.â Still, he advises that âthe tenant should let the landlord or property manager know about them in advance.âWith bad credit, your rental options will be more limited.He says that âThere are some landlords today which still do not check a tenants credit, but those are typically private landlords with one or two homes,â adding that âAs more landlords learn that they are allowed to pull credit reports on tenants, this opportunity gets smaller every da y.âThis is why Bowlin says, âIf for some reason all the major complexes in the area are rejecting the application due to credit, it would be better to find a small mom-and-pops type operation or a single family rental.ââThe owners for these are far more flexible and rely on personal relationships more than a systemized approach to filling vacancy. So, the tenant may be able to offer a higher deposit or to pay a last monthâs rent in order to provide security to the landlord to compensate for the poor credit,â he says.Bowlin also advises that certain classes of apartments might be unavailable to people with bad credit, low income, or a criminal history.âFor example,â he says, âan A-class may require 3 or 3.5x the rent for income and no criminal record at all while a C-class property may only require 2.5x the rent as income and will accept most crimes as long as they are 5 years or older with some exceptions.ââSo, itâs good for the tenant to ask the requirements before applying so they know what their neighbors will be like and they can also avoid paying the application fee if they donât qualify.âYouâre likely to feel the effects in your security deposit and your utilities. According to Lee, itâs important for renters with bad credit to âHave enough cash ready in case the landlord asks for security deposit,â as those security deposits will likely be larger than they would be otherwise.âIn New York City, for example, a lot of the landlords and property managers will ask for security deposits, and if you have a relatively low or even bad credit score, you might put in up to six months of rent for the security deposit,â she says.âWhile it sounds like a lot, most people with bad credit do find it helpful. Remember to go through your lease and make sure that the lease specifies how and when the security deposit should be returned.âLee suggests that, in order to get back as much of your security deposit as possible, you do the following:âThroughout your lease, make sure to report damages or appliance malfunctions that arenât your fault immediately. Be sure to keep records including, photos, emails, or letters.ââInspect the unit carefully and take pictures of damages prior to moving into the apartment. The results of your inspection, if anything, should be reported immediately to your landlord and you should get a written agreement from the landlord ensuring that you wonât be held liable. This way, the landlords have no reasons to withhold your security deposit.âMiller also has a suggestion for recouping your security deposit ahead of schedule:âWhen you are negotiating your rent and if a deposit is required, ask the landlord if they will consider doing a refundable deposit after six or twelve months of on-time payments. âThat way you get those funds back provided you pay your rent on time each month.âWhen it comes to utilities, Miller says that âMost utility companies will require a deposit if you have poor credit.ââA deposit can be as little as one month worth of service, or as much as one year of service in extreme cases.âHe also says that âin extreme climate areas this can be as much as $2,500, but that is pretty uncommon.ââIn terms of utilities,â says Lee, âa landlord should not refuse to provide all the basic utilities based on the tenantâs credit score. As long as you can prove that you can afford the rents, your credit shouldnât have an impact on utilities included in the apartment.ââOf course, it might be hard to have the landlord provide electricity, wifi, etc., as a bad credit does make a difference when it comes to a personâs reliability,â she says.But even if you have bad credit, you still have rights.Having a bad credit might mean that you have fewer options as a prospective tenant, but it doesnât give landlords the right to treat you poorly.According to Miller, âA landlord is required by law to have a uniform set of standards for accepting an applicant.ââIf their rules do not include reviewing credit, then they cannot review your credit either.ââAdditionally,â he says, âif you are denied acceptance based on your credit, you can request a copy of the report they used to deny you.ââOnce you sign the lease,â says Lee, âthe landlord is responsible for everything thatâs covered in the lease and certain rights as a tenant.â Those rights include:Right to livable premisesRight to complain and organizeRight to possession, privacyRight to receive servicesRight to fair, equal treatmentRight to transfer rights, obligationsâYour credit should not have any impact on the rights you enjoy as a tenant!â says Lee, a sentiment with which we definitely agree.Visit OppLoans on YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | LinkedINContributorsEric Bowlin (@EricJBowlin) is a real estate investor and founder of, a website about achieving financial independence through real estate investing . He started investing in 2009 and was able to achieve his dream of financial independence in 2016 at the age of 30.Shane Lee (@RentHop) is a communications strategist at Renthop, a national apartment rental site based in NYC, and regularly spends time speaking with renters, landlords, and real estate brokers to keep up with the ever-changing tide of the US rental markets. Her efforts have helped RentHop expand into new markets and better serve renters looking to find their new home.Nathan Miller (@rentec) founded Rentec Direct in 2009 which is a cloud based software company that services the landlord and property management industry. Today they work with over 13,000 landlords and property managers in the US by providing them automation software, tenant screening, online rent payments, and education to effectively and efficiently manage their rentals.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Susan Glaspell s The Play Trifles - 1499 Words
For centuries, women were often looked at as housekeepers of the household. It was rare to see women managing businesses or working for the government. Usually, men were the power holders of the society and tend to ignore many brilliant ideas from women. Overlooked and overworked, women are yet fighting for their rights to achieve the liberty they have today. Susan Glaspell wrote the play Trifles to embed the thematic focuses about the contrast between the two sexes, the practiced culture of social structure and household subjugation, females forced labor, and the oppression of women in order to explain that society should stop overlooking powerful women and their extraordinary minds. Furthermore, Glaspell was a member of a group ofâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Ruled by men, society viewed women as a ââ¬Ësecondary classââ¬â¢. Laws and cultures were very biased and benefitted men rather than women, regardless of the race. Most family structures were not different from each oth er. Usually, men held authority over the household and placed rules and ordered hobbies. Therefore, wives and their children were expected to be loyal to the father-figures no matter the circumstances they must face. Inside Trifles, the two women, Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters, followed their husbands, Lewis Hale and Sheriff Peters, to investigate the crime scene of the murder of John Wright. Minnie Wright, the suspect and also John Wright s wife, was in a trial which the men had to search evidence in order to proceed. Within the conversation, Mr. Hale explained his failure of convincing John Wright to install a telephone line. However, John declined the offer and did not care whether his wife lived a lonesome life or not. This event is a way to shown that males indeed controlled the life of others, especially women. Another example shown within the story is shown through the dead canary. MRS. PETERS: Itââ¬â¢s the bird. MRS. HALE: But, Mrs. Petersââ¬âlook at it! Its neck! Itâ⬠â¢s allââ¬âother side to. MRS. PETERS: Somebodyââ¬âwrungââ¬âitsââ¬âneck. (1.111-114) It was no coincidence that both John and the canary were injured from the neck. It was the main evidence to proveShow MoreRelatedSusan Glaspell s The Play Trifles1410 Words à |à 6 Pages The play Trifles by Susan Glaspell is a very powerful play that conveys a strong meaning to the audience. The meaning that Susan Glaspell conveys through this play is the importance of women to stick together and rise up against the suppression of their gender. This message can be felt strongly while reading this play. Susan Glaspell does an outstanding job incorporating this message into an interesting, captivating plot. This play was written around the time where womanââ¬â¢s social equality wasRead MoreSusan Glaspell s Play Trifles870 Words à |à 4 PagesIn the Susan Glaspell s play Trifles, gender plays a huge roll in everyday life. Trifles is an exemplary example of the war between male and female. 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Linda Ben-ZviRead MoreTrifles981 Words à |à 4 PagesReview of ââ¬Å"Triflesâ⬠Susan Glaspell play, ââ¬Å"Triflesâ⬠, revolves around Mrs. Wright, a woman who seeks revenge on her husband for oppressing her through their years of marriage. During the time of Glaspellââ¬â¢s play, early 1900ââ¬â¢s, men are the dominant figures in society and women are expected to cook, clean, raise children and care for their husbands. Glaspellââ¬â¢s play, ââ¬Å"Triflesâ⬠, main goal is portraying a theme of women being oppressed through marriage by the use of symbolism through a canary and a birdRead MoreLiterary Analysis of Susan Glaspells Trifles1788 Words à |à 7 PagesAn Analysis of Natures in Susan Glaspells Trifles A trifle is something that has little value or importance, and there are many seeming trifles in Susan Glaspells one-act play Trifles. The irony is that these trifles carry more weight and significance than first seems to be the case. Just as Glaspells play ultimately reveals a sympathetic nature in Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale, the evidence that the men investigators fail to observe, because they are blind to the things that have importanceRead MoreSusan Glaspell s Trifles 1732 Words à |à 7 PagesSusan Glaspell (1876-1948) was an American-born Pulitzer Prize winning writer of both plays and fiction. Glaspell came from humble beginnings and went on to study at Drake University and the University of Chicago. Much of Glaspell s work dealt with the relationships between men and women and the negative effects they have on women. In Glaspell s play Trifles, it is revealed that the operations of patriarchy are just an illusion that men have created to make themselves feel superior to w omenRead MoreFeminism Is Not About Making Women Stronger1441 Words à |à 6 PagesFeminism is not about making women stronger. Women are already strong. It s about changing the way the world perceives that strength. - G.D Andersonà à Our culture in the early Twentieth Century was biased in many ways, as it still is to this day in the Twenty-first Century. One of the major struggles were men s biased writing about women. Many women then and to this day still stand up and try to fight for equality. Women used to beà given certain roles to be a part of society in our history.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
What Types Of Design Features Improve Readability Of...
What types of design features improve the readability of documents? First, I will address this from the perspective of a math teacher. For students who struggle with math, simply increasing the font size, leaving more white space around each problem, and placing fewer problems on the page make the problems seem easier to solve. Using a less formal font family, such as Comic Sans MS, or a font that appears shorter and wider rather than thin and stretched vertically, also has a positive effect. While Comic Sans MS is not recommended for many professional business documents, it is preferable in this context. As evidence, consider the following homework samples. Which appears, at first glance, the least difficult to solve? Which appears the most challenging? Does one seem more like an unusual, foreign concept? Which one seems the most impersonal? In your opinion, which one seems like it is written by the most caring teacher? Does one sample seem designed for a younger, less exper ienced audience? Keep in mind, all four samples start with identical equations! Clearly, the visual aspects of the problems can influence how the reader feels about attempting the assignment. I assure you, if I use the last sample, students are much more likely to feel confident they know how to get started solving the equations! Second, I will discuss positive features of my churchââ¬â¢s Sunday bulletin. The bulletins are sheets of paper with a simple, low-resolution color photo on one side,Show MoreRelatedA Report On The Communication Phase Essay1695 Words à |à 7 Pagesonto implementing the system and be guaranteed that our implementation would meet the requirements as long as we followed our design documents and the requirements stayed consistent with our original brief. As we had determined at the early stages of the project, it was unlikely that the requirements would be volatile. 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AQF Level Distinguishing Features (Source: AQF Implementation Handbook 2007: Guidelines) Type of evidence to be used Sample assessmentRead MoreApplication Of Software Quality Management2060 Words à |à 9 Pagesparameters helps to prepare Test Management Plan. Benchmarking: The proposed product standards can be decided using the existing performance benchmarks of similar products that already exist in the market. Design of Experiments: Using statistics we determine what factors influence the Quality or features of the end product Cost of Quality: This includes all the costs needed to achieve the required Quality levels. It includes prevention costs, appraisal costs and failure costs. Other tools: There areRead MoreDeveloping Visual Identity Package For O2gen Solutions6496 Words à |à 26 Pagespresence. With the manual set, the social media content ready and the website in its development phase we moved on to brochure. All our activities were inter related. 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How To Be Successful In Life Free Essays
Success is something that we all want to achieve in our lives. The type of success aspired to can vary greatly from person; some people want nothing more than to be happily married, have a large family and bring up their children well. Other people strive for academic success and becoming as highly educated as they can, while some people are much more career-focused, and even with this group, their main marker of success can be different things: the power they have, the money they earn or the good they do, a combination of things or something else entirely. We will write a custom essay sample on How To Be Successful In Life or any similar topic only for you Order Now Because every type of success is very different, every road to success is very different too, but everyoneââ¬â¢s route has one thing in common: hard work. Academic success is something that many students want, but also something that many students are not prepared to really work. Often, successful students are envied for the wrong reasons, with other people thinking that theyââ¬â¢re just gifted and assuming that they donââ¬â¢t even work hard. The most successful students, though, are those that put the work in. It doesnââ¬â¢t matter how intelligent you are if you donââ¬â¢t put the effort in to learn, and work hard on essays and other assignments. Everything we know is learned, and intelligent people are not born with everything already stored in their heads. While intelligence can give students a head start over others, this is where it ends, and those getting the results they want will ultimately be those that worked the hardest. This academic success will also help with your career, but once youââ¬â¢re in a job itââ¬â¢s also incredibly important to work hard. The only people that will be considered for promotion are those that go above and beyond the line of duty in their work. This means being very productive during the working day, but also being prepared to work additional hours and do anything additional for the company if needs be. If you do the same job as another person and youââ¬â¢re equally qualified, the differentiation made between you will be based on who does the best job, which ultimately comes down to who works the hardest. The final type of success is in personal relationships, which everybody wants in some capacity. Working hard at relationships can actually be the hardest of all, as it involves a great deal of time and emotional investment, but itââ¬â¢s worth it to have the support and love of others. Couples that stay together all their lives do not manage it by chance, but by working hard at their relationship, making an effort to do things for each other, working out compromises, and addressing, not ignoring, any issues that may arise in the relationship. How to cite How To Be Successful In Life, Papers
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Two Versions of Romeo and Juliet Comparison Essay Example
Two Versions of Romeo and Juliet Comparison Essay We have watched two versions of Romeo and Juliet. We have to investigate the difference between the opening sequences of them both. One was made in 1968 by a man called Franco Zeffirelli and was set in Verona, Italy, in the middle Ages. The other film was by a man named Baz Luhrmann; he made this film in 1996. This version was set in America and is very modern. The opening scene of any film is extremely important because it can play a major role in establishing key elements throughout the rest of the film. The beginning of a film gives the first impression to the audience so it is very important to get right. Romeo and Juliet is a romantic tragedy by the famous writer William Shakespeare. The story is based on two young people who fall in love with each other. The trouble thing is that their families are enemies. Romeo the boy that comes from a family called the Montagues and Juliet, (only 13) comes from a family called the Capulets. The Montague family and the Capulet family detest each other. So Romeo and Juliet realising their family hating each other they decide not to tell their parents of their love for each other. The Luhrmann version starred Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes. Both these actors were already famous established actors. They are very well known, this must have added to the popularity of the film as both actors are considered as idols and sex symbols. The stars in the Zeffirelli version were Olivia Hussey and Leonard Whiting. Both these actors were completely unknown. By picking unknown actors of the streets it show that Zeffirelli wanted to show the youth of Romeo and Juliet and make it more realistic to the audience. We will write a custom essay sample on Two Versions of Romeo and Juliet Comparison specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Two Versions of Romeo and Juliet Comparison specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Two Versions of Romeo and Juliet Comparison specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The problem that faced Baz Luhrmann when he was directing the new version of Romeo and Juliet was that he didnt know whether there would be an audience for Shakespearean stories in a modern culture. So Luhrmann didnt make this film with the old-fashioned, Shakespeare purist in mind. Instead, by using lively, modern images with a modern rock soundtrack and young good-looking popular actors, he has taken Romeo and Juliet to an audience that would normally think of Shakespeare as a boring subject that they were forced to study at school. He put an old story in a completely modern setting and it worked extremely well. Baz Luhrmanns version was very modern. You could see that some of his main influences were from the very popular music channel MTV. Baz Luhrmann worked for MTV; this is a 20th century music channel, which uses fast, rapid shots and cinematography. Luhrmann portrays these techniques and his skills in using them to influence the opening scene of the film. By using very fast editing of pictures and introducing the characters like a soap opera it make s the audience more familiar with the film because we see it on our TVs everyday. Baz Luhrmann trained at the prestigious National Institute of Dramatic Arts in Sydney; Luhrmann has worked as an actor, director, and producer. The Prologue was used in the play as a way for people to know what was going to happen if they should miss sections and so they could get the general gist of it. In the modern film adaptation the Prologue plays a huge part at the beginning of the film. It is played 3 times over. Once by the news reporter on the televis ion, again on signs around Verona City, and again as text flashing on the screen. In the film the prologue is used to wet peoples appetite and get them interested and exited- loud powerful music and action during the prologue do this effectively. The director has also done the clever thing of making each scene contrast from the previous and the next. This juxtaposition not only makes the film more exiting to watch, but can highlight differences in peoples feelings and actions, and how it can effect others. A point where this can be seen is after Romeo and Juliet have been married, a scene of much joy and hope is contrasted sharply with the following more violent scene. In this scene Mercutio is killed by Tybalt, a scene where there is a raging sea and no sign of hope, and it is apparent that their marriage isnt going to work out at all. Baz Luhrmann also makes many references to the person who wrote the play- Shakespeare. The pool Hall where Romeo and his friends hang out is called the Globe Theatre, all the guns used are called Swords, it is almost like he is trying to pay a tribute to the writer. At the beginning of Baz Luhrmanns version of Romeo and Juliet, we see a black female news reporter presenting to us the prologue as a news report. Firstly the news reporter is female, in 1968 women were not as independent as they are nowadays they had some rights but it was unlikely that a women would be presenting the news. This breaks all the stereotypical views of men and women and also introduces the 21st century ways of equality. The news report shows us the effectiveness of media. Secondly, the news reporter was black this is something that would have been unheard of at this time. There is a picture of a broken ring in the corner of the television screen. The broken ring in the background symbolises the two families and their feud. We then enter Verona beach via the television screen, where the prologue is then repeated to us with the images and the quotes.The camera zooms in and out of the shot with the words in fair Verona in between each shot. The harsh music in the background increases the tension and heightens the drama. It makes the audiences want to keep on watching and find out more. It cuts from a black background straight to a close up of Jesus head, making religious features remain in the viewers mind. We see the statue of Jesus in between the twin towers, symbolising that Jesus is a referee between the two families. There is also a lot of religious imagery keeping with the original story set in Verona, Italy, a catholic country. The twin towers represent the two families both alike in status and in wealth. The familys feud is secured in the minds of the audience with lots of fast movement and editing of the Virgin Mary, police, cars, Verona beach, helicopters, businesses and dead bodies. There is a backdrop of religion, money and hate. This montage of imagery sets the scene for the audience. Characters are introduced like in a 20th century soap opera. Quotes from the prologue into a visual form helps the audiences view and supports their understanding of the play. More quick edits of television reports, magazines and newspapers implying that media is very important. The harsh, fast, dramatic music fades into modern 21st century music to begin the play. Music is a big factor that heightens the opening scene of Luhrmanns Romeo and Juliet. This is motivated from Luhrmanns experiences at MTV. The music is dramatic and encourages the audience to continue watching the film. It is played throughout the opening scen e. The music slowly fades into modern rock music and the first scene has begun. Zeffirelli was an actor before he started directing films. He was especially successful for costume designing and for operas and stage plays. His version of Romeo and Juliet was more traditional and the costumes that were used also influenced the style of the film. You can immediately see that Zeffirellis past experiences influenced this film a lot. His version of the film has a strong operatic feel. As soon as Zeffirellis version is played you get the impression that this film is quite old and very traditional. In Zeffirellis version we see a picture, which is presumed to be Verona, the original setting for Romeo and Juliet, the picture is quite faint is difficult to make out what is in it. The picture has a border around it. We hear reminiscent medieval music, which is well suited with the picture, it is quite slow. We soon hear a voiceover of the prologue and the camera zooming in and out of the sun. There is suddenly a change of scene to the town wall. A dramatic sound is played and the colour brightens and the noise level increases. The film is then more vibrant. It is a very simple opening. But this was standard technology in then days. It has clearly been shown that Luhrmanns opening sequence of Romeo and Juliet is more appealing and time consuming. This is due to the increase in modern technology. Zeferrelli was not able to use all the technology that Luhrmann could use, as that type of technology was not available at the time of Zefferillis production of Romeo and Juliet. Although high-tech technology wasnt available 30 years ago, basic technology was, so Zefferilli made use of this technology and achieved an Oscar for this film. Zefferellis opening scene is much slower in contrast to the fast and furious opening of Luhrmanns version. Zeffirellis opening was set in a market square whereas Luhrmanns opening was in a petrol station. Although technology was limited 30 years ago the editing and the effects were somewhat lacking in the Zeffirelli version compared to Luhrmann version. At the beginning of both of the films, there is a prologue to the play. A prologue introduces a play and sums up what is going to happen. The prologue in both the Luhrmanns version and Zefferillis is presented very differently. Luhrmanns presented with a newsreader whereas Zefferillis is a man with a deep voice giving a voice over. Black female presents the prologue in Luhrmanns version as a news report. Whereas in Zeffirellis version it is presented by a man in with a very deep voice. He presents the prologue in a very slow and dreary way. This goes well with the pan shot of Verona, which is very dark and looks quite dreary. A newsreader is saying the prologue of Romeo and Juliet. The newsreader then fades out and the viewer is shown empires, belonging to the Capulets and Montagues. This is meant to show you that the two families are both alike in dignity and in wealth. In Zeffirellis film, we are simply told this and lead to believe it. In Luhrmanns version we get a more detailed insight to the story we see clips from the film and we meet the characters. In Zeffirellis we are left to wonder what is going to happen in the film. I think both techniques work well. Zeffirellis technique makes the audience want to carry on watching because they are interested in the film. Luhrmanns technique gives the audience just enough previews to make them want to carry on watching to see what is going to happen, but not too much to give away the plot. Personally I preferred Luhrmanns version of Romeo and Juliet because it was more dramatic it made you want to carry on watching it. Whereas the Zeffirelli version was very long and dreary to start off with. I think it puts the audience off a bit. I think with Zeffirelli version only Shakespeare fans will want to watch it because it is a lot like the play. Whereas the Luhrmann version, everyone can get into because it has a lot of aspects that suit everyone. I am more used to seeing the ways the images are presented in his film in my everyday television programs so I was put off watching it I didnt find it boring or get drawn out of watching it. Whereas because of the lack of technology it makes the Zeffirelli version look boring to my generation. The Luhrmann version however will appeal to everyone. In conclusion, I think that the original text had to be edited in some way for to have worked as a film, especially as it was aimed at teenagers. Despite the heavy editing at some points during the play, and some scenes edited out to make the film, I dont feel that I have had any major understanding detracted, or indeed added. However, if I hadnt read the original text before I watched the film then I agree that I may have taken what I saw as being how William Shakespeare originally wrote the play. Especially since there is no hint of information at any point in the film that it is from an edited text. It even says on the front cover of the video and on posters etc. for the Luhrmann adaptation that it is William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet. This was probably done so that no-one would think that Baz Luhrmann is trying to take credit for the play itself, however it could be confusing.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Consultant To Wijaya Products Tourism Essay Essays
Consultant To Wijaya Products Tourism Essay Essays Consultant To Wijaya Products Tourism Essay Essay Consultant To Wijaya Products Tourism Essay Essay Introduction In order to make this assignment I assume that I have been hired as a adviser to Wijaya Products ( Pvt ) Ltd which is a well-established fabrication company of spices and condiment merchandises in Sri Lanka ( place state ) . The company was established in 1989. Image 01: Logo of Wijaya Merchandises Vision Bing one of the Sri Lanka s prima fabrication and selling company of spices and condiment merchandises in Sri Lanka, we strive to go a universe renowned maker, distributer and exporter in the chief points we produce. Mission We ever believe that we are the concern and happy because of our honored client s satisfaction through feedback. We are ever committed to better the quality of our merchandises by presenting the province of the art engineering, skilled employees and promoting them challenge themselves. ( hypertext transfer protocol: // p=abtus ) Merchandises Spices chillie pieces, chillie pulverization, roasted chillie pulverization, curry pulverization, roasted curry pulverization, pepper pulverization, turmeric pulverization and mustard pulverization. Flour ruddy rice flour, white rice flour, kurakkan flour, undu flour and sago Pasta Noodles, particular noodles and particular papadam Coffee Tea Salt ( hypertext transfer protocol: // p=procat ) Certified Recognition ISO 9001 2008 Quality Management System ISO 22000 2005 Food Safety Management System ISO 14000 2004 Environment Management System SLS Quality Standards ( hypertext transfer protocol: // p=urvalus ) Wijaya Merchandises are manufactured by utilizing quality natural stuffs with no added artificial colourss, spirits and savings. Presently there are over 400 employees employed in the organisation. The merchandises are exported to states such as Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Maldives and Italy. ( http: // pvt ltd-7112.html ) As an enlargement plan the company is be aftering to spread out their operations by exporting spice merchandises including chillie pieces, chillie pulverization, roasted chillie pulverization, curry pulverization, roasted curry pulverization, pepper pulverization, turmeric pulverization and mustard pulverization to United Kingdom ( host state ) peculiarly to London. The chief mark market is South Asians in London. Image 02: Spices Reasons to Select UK It is decided to export merchandises to United Kingdom because there are many South Asiatic people in England. These people use spices to fix their every day-to-day repast. Therefore there will be a demand for the merchandises. In 2007, 170,000 Sri Lankan people were in UK. ( ) Following Table 01 shows the population of some of the South Asians in England harmonizing to the 2001 nose count and 2009 estimations. By 2011 it is definite it ll be increased. 2001 Population 2001 Percentage 2009 Population 2009 Percentage American indians 1,028,546 2.09 % 1,414,100 2.7 % Pakistanis 706,539 1.44 % 990,700 1.9 % Bangladeshis 275,394 0.56 % 384,300 0.7 % Other South Asians 237,810 0.48 % 377,700 0.7 % Table 01: 2001 nose count and 2009 estimated population of South Asians in England ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) Many South Asians are in states such as Canada, UK, USA, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Australia and Italy. ( ) The company selected England due to following grounds. Refer Appendix 01 for farther analysis. Many South Asians are found in a individual state and their population is quickly turning. British Pound is universe s 5th highest valued currency unit. ( ) UK is the 6th largest economic system in the universe and the 2nd largest within the EU. ( ) EU is the largest export market for spices. UK is a prima spice devouring state in EU. ( hypertext transfer protocol: // option=com_content A ; task=view A ; id=173 A ; Itemid=206 ) Reason to Select London Merchandises are exported to London. London was selected because bulk of South Asians in UK lives in London. Following Table 02 clearly shows that entire population of Sri Lankans, Indians and Pakistanis in London has increased from 1991 to 2001 and the London has the largest population. Region Population 1991 2001 London 222,061 289,241 East Midlands 48,391 58,335 North East 4,901 12,150 North West 63,949 82,467 South East 70,359 85,722 South West 5,836 19,576 East of England 38,600 46,733 Cymrus 7,927 9,483 Table 02: Entire Population of South Asians in 1991 A ; 2001 ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) UK consists of England, Wales, Scotland and Nothern Ireland. London is the capital of England. The substructure of London is in good criterions. London s conveyance forms the bosom of the route, rail and air webs in UK. London has a web of roads runing from main roads, major individual passenger car manner roads, distributer roads and streets. There are six airdromes in London such as Heathrow, Gatwick, Luton, Stansted, London City and London South end Airport. Ships can go through River Thames and it is one of London s chief conveyance paths. ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) Image 03: Map of UK Different Social Groups in Sri Lanka and UK Sri Lanka United Kingdom Entire Population 21,283,913 ( 2011 est. ) 62,698,362 ( 2011 est. ) Age Structure 0-14 old ages 24.9 % 15-64 old ages 67.2 % 65 and above 7.9 % 0-14 old ages 17.3 % 15-64 old ages 66.2 % 65 and above 16.5 % Gender Male 49.3 % Female 50.7 % Male 49.2 % Female 50.8 % Cultural Groups Sinhala 73.8 % Sri Lankan Moors 7.2 % Indian Tamil 4.6 % Sri Lankan Tamil 3.9 % Other 10.5 % White 92.1 % Black 2 % Indian 1.8 % Pakistani 1.3 % Mixed 1.2 % Other 1.6 % Religions Buddhists 69.1 % Muslim 7.6 % Hindu 7.1 % Christian 6.2 % Other 10 % Christian 71.6 % Muslim 2.7 % Hindu 1 % Other 1.6 % Unspecified 23.1 % Languages Sinhala 74 % Tamil 18 % Other 8 % English more than 70 % Cambrian Irish Cornish Table 03: Different societal groups in Sri Lanka and UK ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) Different Social Group Behavior Patterns of Sri Lanka and UK Greetings and Meetings The traditional manner of recognizing in Sri Lanka is stating Ayubowan ( in Sinhalese ) or Vanakkam ( in Tamil ) by seting thenar together and somewhat bowing the caput. But younger people by and large tend to agitate custodies. In UK manus shingle is the common signifier of salutation and there is no issue over gender. In Sri Lankan civilization, adult females abstain from physical contact with unfamiliar work forces, hence most of the adult females will non manus shingle. In concern meetings, because of the hierarchal civilization Sri Lankans use rubrics along with the family name. If there is no professional rubric, so uses Sir or Madam . Where as in UK, most people use rubric or Mr , Mrs , or Miss along with the family name. Now a twenty-four hours this can besides be seen utilizing in Sri Lanka every bit good. In concern meetings both UK and Sri Lanka are normally formal and wear formal costumes. British work forces wear a suit with a tie and places. Women wear concern suits with shirt with either a skirt or with a pant. This is besides the same in Sri Lanka but sometimes adult females wear Sarees. In UK meetings ever have a clearly defined intent therefore meetings are conducted harmonizing to an docket. Both Sri Lankans and British avoid long-drawn-out oculus contact as it makes people experience uncomfortable. Dining Etiquettes Main repast dishes in UK are Roast Meat, Yorkshire pudding, and Toad-in the-hole. Main repast in Sri Lanka is Rice and Curry. Asians particularly South Asians including Sri Lankans, Indians and Pakistani s usage batch of spices when fixing nutrient. Sri Lankan people normally use their right manus to eat but on occasions they use cutter to eat. British people ever use cutter particularly a fork and a knife to eat nutrient. Moslems refrain from hog merchandises, intoxicant or any other nutrient that contain meat unless it is halaal certified. Hindus do non devour beef because they consider it as a sacred animate being. Gift Giving Etiquettes Peoples in both states portion gifts particularly among household members and close friend. British people give gifts for birthdays and Christmas. Sri Lankan people portion gifts for occasions such as birthdays, nuptialss, Sinhala and Tamil New Year and Christmas. British normally give gifts such as box of cocoas, bottle of vino or flowers. Hindus do non prefer gifts made out of leather. Sri Lankans give and receive gifts from both custodies in order to demo niceness. British unfastened gifts when received but it is non the same in Sri Lanka. They do non open gifts when received. Festivals and Celebrations In Sri Lanka different festivals are celebrated harmonizing to the ethnicity or the faith. Vesak Fool Moon Day celebrated by Buddhists Deepawali and Maha Siva Rathri celebrated by Hindus Haj Festival and Ramadaan celebrated by Moslems Christmas is celebrated by Christians. UK the festivals and jubilations include Easter, Halloween, Edinburgh Festival and Bonfire Night. Harmonizing to the ethnicity or the faith people in UK celebrates different festivals and jubilations. Sinhala and Tamil people celebrates New Year on 14th of April, Muslims celebrates New Year harmonizing to the Islamic calendar which is known as Muharram . Where as British celebrates New Year on 1st of January. Other British people consider promptness is of import while Sri Lankans do non pay much attending to promptness. Black is mourning colour in UK and White is considered as mourning colour in Sri Lanka. In UK, V for Victory mark, done with the manus is considered as an violative gesture. Sri Lankans keep long intermissions and use obvious tactics of turning away. ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) Positive and Negative Influences of Sri Lankan and UK Cultures on Business Decision Making Decision devising is slower in UK. Therefore hotfooting into speedy determinations may harm the concern relationship. This is negatively act uponing the concern determination devising in state of affairss where the determination has to be made really rapidly. In Sri Lanka there are merely few linguistic communications used. The chief linguistic communications are Sinhala, Tamil and English. There are other linguistic communications such as Malay but those linguistic communications are non normally used. This has a positive influence on make up ones minding which language/languages to utilize in packaging, labeling and in promotional activities. Even though the English is the chief linguistic communication in UK, there are different ethnicities that use different linguistic communications. For illustration there are many Indians and Pakistanis in UK. There are tonss of linguistic communications that Indians use including Hindi, Tamil, Bengali, Theligu, Kannada, and Gujarati and so on. Pakistanis usage linguistic communications such as Urdu, Panjabi, Pashto and Sindhi and so on. This may act upon negatively on make up ones minding which linguistic communication to utilize in packaging and labeling. Sri Lankans usage spices for the readying of every twenty-four hours repasts. What of all time the ethnicity, the faith, gender or age except babies consumes spices. This nutrient behaviour positively impacts on make up ones minding the mark market. But in UK there are assorted sorts of ethnicities with different nutrient behaviour forms. British utilizations spice but non every bit much as Asians particularly South Asians including Sri Lankans and Indians. Majority of the population is British. Therefore it has an influence on concern determination devising. In UK there are different ethnicities with different spiritual groups. They celebrate different festivals and vacations. When make up ones minding what promotional activities to transport out and when to transport out promotional activities these civilizations will act upon negatively because there are so many facets to look into. Due to the few cultural and spiritual groups in Sri Lanka it is easy to do determinations on promotional activities. There are tonss of societal groups in UK harmonizing to the ethnicity and faiths which are different from one another. When fulfilling one societal group you may pique another societal group due to cultural differences. Hence it is really hard to do determinations to fulfill every one. Therefore it has a negative impact on determination devising. Peoples in UK value promptness. Therefore merchandises should make and should go to to concern meetings on clip. Sri Lankans do non pay much attending to Punctuality. If promptness is non met in UK so it may negatively impact on the concern. For illustration if Sri Lankans could non go to a meeting on clip in UK, so there will be deficiency of clip to discourse concern affairs and the determination devising will acquire slower. Therefore this may consequence negatively on concern determination devising. In Sri Lanka these merchandises are considered as feminine merchandises. But in UK there are many individual people ( males ) in UK particularly the 1s who have migrated for their surveies or business. These people make their ain nutrient. Therefore it is hard to categorise the merchandises as feminine or masculine in UK. This will act upon negatively. Honor and self-respect is highly of import to Sri Lankans. When the reply to a inquiry is no Sri Lankans give vague or uncommitted replies to avoid losing award or self-respect. Sometimes they may state one thing but mean another thing. This may consequence negatively on concern determination devising. For illustration in a concern meeting if Sri Lankans use obscure replies to avoid face, it may make misinterpretations among the British. Therefore this may act upon negatively on concern determination devising. Decision In order to make this assignment I assume that I have been hired as a adviser to Wijaya Products ( Pvt ) Ltd which is a well-established fabrication company of spices and condiment merchandises in Sri Lanka ( place state ) . As an enlargement plan the company is be aftering to spread out their operations by exporting spice merchandises including chillie pieces, chillie pulverization, roasted chillie pulverization, curry pulverization, roasted curry pulverization, pepper pulverization, turmeric pulverization and mustard pulverization to United Kingdom ( host state ) peculiarly to London. The chief mark market is South Asians in London. Reasons to choose UK includes that there are many South Asiatic people in England and the all right economic conditions. London was selected because bulk of South Asians in UK lives in London and the substructure of London are in good criterions. There are different societal groups of Sri Lanka and UK harmonizing to the age, gender, ethnicity and faith and their behaviour forms differ harmonizing to the salutation and meeting, gift giving etiquettes, dining etiquettes and festivals and jubilations. Finally concludes with an analysis of positive and negative influences of place and host state cultures on concern determination devising. Making concern in UK is non same as making concern in Sri Lanka because there are tonss of societal groups harmonizing to the ethnicity and faiths which are different from one another. When fulfilling one societal group you may pique another group due to cultural differences. Therefore making concern in UK is a challenge because it is seen as a paradox in many facets. Recommendation As the adviser of Wijaya Products ( Pvt ) Ltd following recommendations are recommended to follow when carry oning concern in UK. By Achieving the Halaal enfranchisement the company will able to make Muslims easy. When carry oning meetings with people in UK, use an docket and do certain it is forwarded in progress for them to reexamine and urge any alterations. Include facts and figures when making presentations because people in UK rely on facts instead than emotions in determination devising. After a meeting, direct a missive including what was decided and what are the future stairss to be taken. It is recommended to be punctual because people in UK value promptness the most. UK has a diverse society because of the mixture of cultural and spiritual groups. Therefore needs to concentrate more on different civilizations bing in UK when determinations are made.
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Anatotitan Facts and Figures
Anatotitan Facts and Figures Name: Anatotitan (Greek for giant duck); pronounced ah-NAH-toe-TIE-tan Habitat: Woodlands of North America Historical Period: Late Cretaceous (70-65 million years ago) Size and Weight: About 40 feet long and 5 tons Diet: Plants Distinguishing Characteristics: Large size; broad, flat bill About Anatotitan It took paleontologists a long time to figure out exactly what type of dinosaur Anatotitan was. Since the discovery of its fossil remains in the late 19th century, this giant plant-eater has been classified in various ways, sometimes going by the now-unfashionable names Trachodon or Anatosaurus, or considered a species of Edmontosaurus. However, in 1990, a convincing case was presented that Anatotitan deserved its own genus in the family of large, herbivorous dinosaurs known as hadrosaurs, an idea that has since been accepted by most of the dinosaur community. (A newer study, however, insists that the type specimen of Anatotitan was really a superannuated specimen of Edmontosaurus, hence its inclusion in the already-named species Edmontosaurus annectens.) As you might have guessed, Anatotitan (giant duck) was named after its broad, flat, duck-like bill. However, one shouldnt take this analogy too far: the beak of a duck is a very sensitive organ (a bit like human lips), but Anatotitans bill was a hard, flat mass used mainly to dig up vegetation. Another odd feature of Anatotitan (which it shared with other hadrosaurs) is that this dinosaur was capable of running clumsily on two legs when it was chased by predators; otherwise, it spent most of its time on all four feet, munching peacefully on vegetation.
Friday, February 14, 2020
Physiology and Function Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Physiology and Function - Essay Example Peristalsis is the rhythmic segmental contraction and relaxation of the GI tract that helps in propulsion of food. Peristalsis is generally under autonomic control and is further mediated by myentric plexus located between the circular and longitudinal muscle layer. Contraction of these two muscles produces peristaltic waves, normally in a forward direction. Peristalsis plays a different role depending on the location of the GI tract. In the esophagus, it simply propels the food into the stomach. But in stomach, strong peristaltic contractions grind the food and mix it well with the acidic contents of the stomach. In the intestines the peristalsis is slow, providing sufficient time for digestion and absorption to take place (Guyton & Hall, 2000). Bile is produced and secreted by liver but is transported to gall bladder for storage. In the gall bladder it becomes concentrated and is released into the duodenum via common bile duct under the influence of cholecystokinin and vagal stimulation. Bile is composed of water, bile salts, bilirubin, cholesterol, fatty acids, lecithin and other common ions. Bile serves two important functions: assistance in fat digestions and removal of waste products. Bile does not contain any enzymes for digestion of fat but it causes emulsification of fat particles facilitating digestion and absorption in the intestinal mucosa. Bilirubin, a waste product of hemoglobin breakdown is also secreted in the feces via bile (Guyton & Hall, 2000). Saliva is secreted in the oral cavity by various glands such as parotid, submandibular, and sublingual glands. Every day these glands produce 800-1500ml of saliva. Saliva has two important components: ptyalin and mucus. Ptyalin is an amylase enzyme that helps in starch digestion, whereas mucus plays an important role in lubricating the food bolus and reducing mechanical friction. Saliva also has one important function of protecting oral cavity from invading
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Eassy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Eassy - Essay Example According to Bardhan and Dwight, several factors can endear a company to outsource its business operations. Off shore labor laws, wage laws and tax laws favor the idea of outsourcing as there is almost a certainty of maximizing profits through low cost labor. Workers abroad are often willing to work longer hours for less pay than those in the United States where there could also be a lack of expertise in certain areas of business process. In addition to this, the company is offered a great diversity of skill and kept abreast with emerging technology from various ends of the globe that go a long way in improving service delivery and quality of service. Further still, the company that off shores acquires global status and recognition in the world market which is a huge plus in its operations. This in addition to the fact that off shoring some business operations actually enables a company to shift focus to other crucial areas of the business is of unparallel value to the company growth and development (Bardhan and Dwight, 22). However endearing these advantages of outsourcing may be, several negative implications and concerns also lie in wait, both to the company and the United States economy. The good that may result from the endeavors of outsourcing almost always serves the interest of the top brass of the company only. Little or nothing at all of the entire benefits actually trickles down to the middle level workers or the public in general. Quality concerns arise as a result of outsourcing. As long as the outsourcing contracts are honored, the outsourcing company may tend to be motivated by profit to decrease expenses and condone shoddy work. The employees of the company may not also have the loyalty to the business, a trait that is often priceless in ensuring success of the operations. Workers may change jobs or move to greener pastures whenever they please or sense danger leaving the company in turmoil and incurring further costs as such with hiring and rec ruitment as cited by Cromie (54). There are also numerous hidden costs that arise from off shoring business functions. For instance, the process requires the hiring of a lawyer(s) and signing of contracts. Major budgetary loopholes appear for exploitation to the detriment of the company and anything not covered in the contract will be basis for the company to pay the additional charges. Other regulations regarding this exploit also seem to secretly add to costs of operations. Failure to pay wages strictly as stipulated can result in several implications like fines, back pay awards or even disqualification from filing any further H1B1 visa petitions for future workers. There is the risk of a company exposing some of its important and confidential operation information to third parties as a result of off shoring. This may render the company weak in the face of any arising or already established competition. The company also loses management control of outsourced business functions lea ving several critical decision makings out of their hands. Some of these outside decisions may at times lead to bankruptcy. Language barrier and other cultural issues often come to play a negative role during outsourcing, majorly resulting in breakdowns in communication and even rejection of certain company products and services on cultural and religious grounds. Other problems include inappropriate categorization of responsibilities causing mayhem and a complete eyesore (Bergsten,
Friday, January 24, 2020
Sectionalism And The Breakup Of The U.s Essay -- essays research paper
Sectionalism and the Breakup of the U.S Throughout the early 1800's the country was split in many areas over many issues. Some of the more severe clashes between differing groups resulting from such issues as slavery, expansion, and internal improvement. With all of these controversial topics to worry about along with the vast diversity in the nation, caused separation and tensions throughout the country. The most prominent of the previous topics was slavery. This was an issue in the days of the bible and continues to be an issue in the middle 1800's. The divisions in the country brought about by slavery seem to be categorized into two main groups, abolitionists, and slave holders. These two groups also were divided geographically for the most part due to the South's need of slaves for cheap, and reliable man power, and the North, as it was not an agriculturally based economy and needed little in the way of unskilled laborers. It was very easy for the North to bash the South's slavery because their economy did not depend upon slavery. They had no slaves, no need for slaves, and saw slavery as inhumane and unlawful. The south, however, depended upon slavery as a basis of production, and the only way to operate large farms at the time, primarily being the large cotton plantations of the south. Several people tried to resolve the issue of slavery with compromises and bills that set clear rules and laws to appeal to both sides. The most prominent being the Missouri compromise. This document set the standard for slavery at the time. It also managed to further divide the country into two opposing groups geographically separated by the 36 degree 30 minute line. The bill clearly stated that no states above the proposed line shall have slavery, with exception to those already in existence. This meant that all new states being brought into the country from the west had a choice to have slavery if and only if they laid below the line. Obviously, the south did not really like the idea, as it allowed the northern non-slave states to outnumber the southern slave-states in the south as far as representation in the government was concerned. Another part of the slavery controversy was the moral issue and weather or not it w... ... sides. We see the best example of this in the Maysville Road article. There was a dispute over the proposed road, and weather or not it should be built with federal money. The government claimed that the road was for the benefit of the mail, and allowed easy passage through the mountains of Kentucky. Many people did not like the idea still because it represented federal money being distributed in unequal amounts to different states, along with non uniform benefits. This quickly set defined boudaries between the political parties of the time, and started a vast amount of tension between the two parties. By the end of the dispute, the opposed(Federalists) came out on top, and the road was never built, but it shows the first, strong, divergence in the populous of our nation since its conception. All of the above examples are all representative of issues of the time which played a large roll in sectionalism, and the breakup of the United States. Over the long run, it is a miracle that, with the vast spectrum of people in the country, we have managed to stay together, through thick and thin, driven by one common force, "Freedom."
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Compare and Contrast on High School and College Essay
The transition from high school to college is an arduous one. Students have to get used to being on their own and have more responsibilities than ever before. The workload is only the first of many differences between being a senior in high school and a freshman in college. Along with an increase in workload, students are also forced to learn proper time management skills such as how to juggle a job, school, all while maintaining a social life. The transition from a high school student to a college student begins the second they open the door into what looks like another world. There is no aspect of familiarity, no point of reference for students. There are no individual desks or familiar faces to give them the feeling of security that one feels going back to high school each year. The first day of high school always included some kind of icebreaker where students were forced to state their name and an ââ¬Å"interesting factâ⬠about themselves in hopes of helping other students to remember their name. In college, no one cares what oneââ¬â¢s name is or that they have 3 hamsters at home. Professors are more concerned with getting down to business and teaching the scheduled material on the very first day of class. Students are forced into a whirlwind of unfamiliarity and they either sink or swim. The decision is theirs. Generally speaking, a high school student can expect to be free of homework for the first two weeks of high school. However, students do not get so lucky in college. One can expect a paper and group project, as well as a syllabus quiz to be given within the first class period. In addition to assigned papers and syllabus quizzes, it is up to students to complete textbook readings, of 20+ pages before coming to class and to be prepared to be given a pop quiz if necessary. It is common for first year college students to feel lost and overwhelmed, inundated in papers and assignments, often questioning how they will make it through the semester. Above all, students are forced to learn how to better manage their time. There is no more daydreaming or dependin g on classmates to help with in-class and take-home assignments. What used to be so easy in high school is not so easy in college. There are no more seven-hour school days planned out by guidance counselors with help from a computer program. Schedules are no longer handed out in homeroom on the first day of classes, instead it is the studentââ¬â¢s job to pick the classes they want to take and come up with a perfectly crafted schedule that fits into their already busy schedule. Itââ¬â¢s up to the scholarà to decide when to eat lunch, when to study, and when they can fit a job into their schedule. In college, students are given more freedom when it comes to their schedule, but it is easy to find comfort in that cookie cutter schedule that is given in high school. The real world can be a scary place for a first year college student. In sum, the transition from high school to college is a challenging one. It is not easy to be pushed out into the real world, completely submersed in _____. Although it may be tough at times, this transition is a crucial one in the process of growing up. The lessons learned within the first year of college are ones that can be taken and applied later on in life.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Biography of Michelle Obama, U.S. First Lady
Michelle Obamaà (born January 17, 1964) was the first African-American first lady and the wife of Barack Obama, the 44th president of the United States and the first African-American to serve as president. She is also a lawyer, the former vice president of community and external affairs at the University of Chicago Medical Center, and a philanthropist. Fast Facts: Michelle Obama Known For: First Lady of the United States, wife to 44th President Barack ObamaBorn: January 17, 1964 in Chicago, IllinoisParents:à Marian Shields and Fraser C. Robinson IIIEducation: Princeton University (BA in sociology), Harvard Law School (JD)Published Works: BecomingSpouse: Barack Obama (m. October 3, 1992)Children: Malia (born in 1998) and Natasha (known as Sasha, born in 2001) Early Life Michelle Obama (nee Michelle LaVaughn Robinson) was born on January 17, 1964, in Chicago, Illinois, the second of two children of Chicagoans Marian Shields and Fraser C. Robinson III. She describes her parents as important early role models in her life, whom she proudly identifies as working class. Her father, a city pump operator and Democratic precinct captain, worked and lived with multiple sclerosis; his limp and crutches did not affect his abilities as the family breadwinner. Michelles mother stayed home with her children until they reached high school. The family lived in a one-bedroom apartment on the top floor of a brick bungalow on Chicagos south side. The living roomââ¬âconverted with a divider down the middleââ¬âserved as Michelles bedroom. Michelle and her older brother Craig, now an Ivy League basketball coach at Brown University, grew up hearing the story of their maternal grandfather. A carpenter who was denied union membership due to race, Craig was shut out of the citys top construction jobs. Yet the children were taught they could succeed despite any prejudices they might encounter over race and color. Both children were bright and skipped second grade. Michelle entered a gifted program in sixth grade. From their parents, who had never attended college, Michelle and her brother learned that achievement and hard work were key. Education Michelle attended Whitney M. Young Magnet High School in Chicagos West Loop, graduating in 1981. Although she was discouraged from applying to Princeton by high school advisors who felt her scores werent adequate, she was accepted and graduated from the college with honors and a bachelors degree in sociology and a minor in African-American studies. She was one of very few black students attending Princeton at the time, and the experience made her acutely aware of the issues of race. After graduation, she applied to Harvard Law School and once again faced bias as college counselors tried to talk her out of her decision. Despite their doubts, she matriculated and excelled, obtaining her J.D. in 1985. Professor David B. Wilkins remembers Michelle as forthright: She always stated her position clearly and decisively. Career in Corporate Law After graduating from Harvard Law School, Michelle joined the law firm of Sidley Austin as an associate specializing in marketing and intellectual property. In 1988, a summer intern who was two years older than she by the name of Barack Obama came to work at the firm, and Michelle was assigned as his mentor. They married in 1992 and later had two daughters, Malia (born in 1998) and Natasha, known as Sasha (born in 2001). In 1991, the death of her father from complications related to MS caused Michelle to re-evaluate her life; she subsequently decided to leave corporate law to work in the public sector. Career in Public Sector Michelle first served as assistant to Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daly; later she became assistant commissioner of planning and development. In 1993 she founded Public Allies Chicago, which provided young adults with leadership training for public service careers. As executive director, she headed up a nonprofit named by President Bill Clinton as a model AmeriCorps program. In 1996, she joined the University of Chicago as Associate Dean of Student Services and established its first community service program. In 2002, she was named the University of Chicago Hospitals executive director of community and external affairs. Balancing Career, Family, and Politics Following her husbands election to the U.S. Senate in November 2004, Michelle was appointed Vice President of Community and External Affairs at the University of Chicago Medical Center in May 2005. Despite Baracks dual roles in Washington, D.C., and Chicago, Michelle did not consider resigning from her position and moving to the nations capital. Only after Barack announced his presidential campaign did she adjust her work schedule; in May 2007 she cut her hours by 80 percent to accommodate the needs of the family during his candidacy. Although she resists the labels feminist and liberal, Michelle Obama is widely recognized as outspoken and strong-willed. She has juggled career and family as a working mother, and her positions indicate progressive ideas on the roles of women and men in society. First Lady Michelles husband Barack was elected U.S. president in November 2007. During her first term as first lady, Michelle spearheaded the Lets Move! program, a concerted effort intended to reduce childhood obesity. Although it has been difficult to gauge the success of the program overall, her efforts led to the passage of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act in 2010, which allowed the U.S. Department of Agriculture to set new nutritional standards for all food sold in schools for the first time in more than 30 years. During Barack Obamas second term, Michelle focused on the Reach Higher Initiative, which aimed to help students identify future careers and enable them to complete coursework past high schoolââ¬âwhether its at a professional training program, a community college, or a four-year college or university.à That initiative continues, with a focus on school counselor training, raising awareness about college access tools, and social media outreach and flagship events such as College Signing Day. Post-White House Since the Obamas left the White House in January 2016, Michelle worked on and published her memoir Becoming, published in November 2018. She has also worked on the Global Girls Alliance, an education project intended to help provide tens of millions of adolescent girls worldwide who were not given a chance to finish high school; Global Girls is an outgrowth of Let Girls Learn, which she started in 2015 and left with the White House. She has actively supported the Chicago-based Obama Foundation charity, and been a spokesperson for When We All Vote, to increase voter registration. Sources: Obama, Michelle. 2018. Becoming. New York: Crown, 2018.Saulny, Susan. Michelle Obama Thrives in Campaign Trenches. New York Times, 14 February 2008.Bennetts, Leslie. First Lady in Waiting., 27 December 2007.Gewertz, Catherine. Michelle Obamas Reach Higher Initiative Merges With the Common Application. Education Week Blog High School Beyond, 27 September 2018.à Ross Johnson, Steven. Gauging the public health value of Michelle Obamas Lets Move campaign. Modern Healthcare, 23 August 2016.Rossi, Rosalind. The woman behind Obama. Chicago Sun-Times, 22 January 2008.Slevin, Peter. Michelle Obama: A Life. New York: Vintage Books, 2015.Michelle Obamaââ¬â¢s vacation is over. Now sheââ¬â¢s claiming her own spotlight. The Washington Post, 11 October 2018.
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